Love Is in the Air, and in the Art

From "Love is in the Air, and in the Art" by Ken Johnson in the New York Times (7 February 2013).


"Philosophers have traditionally distinguished three forms of love: eros, or passionate, sensual attraction to another person; philia, or affection for family, friends, clubs, teams, nations and humanity in general; and agape, which is love for God or the functional equivalent.

"Wittgenstein thought that if you wanted to know what a word meant, you should forget the dictionary and examine how it is used by people in the real world, including, I would add, how it appears in art." 

Being Drunk With Time

Wittgenstein would often state that individuals "see the world" through the concepts they construct, particularly on concepts about topics that have no definitive answer.

This observation struck me when I recently read an observation on life and death:

Death is not an event in life: we do not live to experience death. If we take eternity to mean not infinite temporal duration but timelessness, then eternal life belongs to those who live in the present.

The above can only be assumed to be a playful summation of a rendering of life and death. We need to attend to the tone of our language. For instance, the above should be read quizzically, as if the author was playfully proposing an idea ( trying it on for size, so to speak ). In language, we present pictures to ourselves - as if by experiment - to see how how the picture fits with our experience. And we know full well that another picture may just as well coincide with quite different experiences. I'll leave this entry with another pondering about life and death from Paul Auster.

One day there is life. A man, for example, in the best of health, not even old, with no history of illness. Everything is as it was, as it will always be. He goes from one day to the next, minding his own business, dreaming only of the life that lies before him. And then, suddenly, it happens there is death.
— Paul Auster, The Invention of Solitude, page 5