
TextProject is a non-profit organsiation that formalises a decade-plus of ongoing work to bring beginning and struggling readers to high levels of literacy through a variety of strategies and tools, particularly the texts used for reading instruction. It is a valuable source of research as well as free, accessible and culturally appropriate reading material for beginning through to transitional learners. 

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Newsela is an innovative new site designed to build reading comprehension from a relevant source of nonfiction: the daily news. Newsela presents multiple version of same news articles for different reading levels. It makes it easy for an entire class to read the same content yet differentiated to suit differing levels of reading skills. Newsela includes articles ranging from sport, the arts, to politics, and more.

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Reading Australia

Reading Australia was created by the not-for-profit Copyright Agency to make the very best of Australian literature more available for teachers, librarians, and avid readers too. Reading Australia showcases the work of leading Australia writers and illustrators to enrich our own diverse cultural identity. The online initiative presents a list of over 200 quality titles from many of Australia’s finest authors.

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