Launch of iPhone App & New Reading Lists
Some may note that there has been a delay in updates to the journal recently. I must admit that the delay has been due to a brief amount of time spent on some experimentation. That experimentation has resulted in the Wittgenstein On Learning iPhone App. The app isn't spectacular. Instead, I was curious to see if it were possible to create an iPhone app with certain HTML5 and Javascript tools. The answer is "yes". So, I invite you to download the free app and explore some key quotes from the Tractatus, the Philosophical Investigations, On Certainty and Culture & Value. Now that the app is done, I'll happily return to journal updates which explore Wittgensteinian concepts in relation to language, literacy and learning.
Whilst I am providing updates, I have also listed three new Mendeley reading lists: supporting refugee learners, language & literacy development, and place-based pedagogy. The three lists can be considered Wittgensteinian in spirit. It goes without saying that Wittgenstein does provoke reflection on language & literacy development, though I would like to argue that a Wittgensteinian sensibility does provide a sensitivity to the plight of refugees and a reflection on locally based knowledges.